One thing is obvious when discussing habits: not all habits are positive, and vice versa. However, those bad behaviours have the potential to have a negative impact on our lives that is enormous. On the other side, a number of positive habits may help us live successful lives both now and in the future.
1. Determine the behaviour

When forming new, healthy habits, it’s crucial to make sure that you are committed to altering your behaviour in order to establish the new habit (s). Think about the old behaviours you want to get rid of because they are no longer helpful to you. Make a note of the old behaviours that the new habits will replace, be specific about what success looks like, and consider how the changes will benefit you.
2. One thing at a time

Concentrate on altering a single habit at a time. Make this your top priority and centre of attention. You can expand on this with your next shift after this habit has become ingrained and your “new normal.”
3. Focus on the advantages

As you implement these new habits into your daily life, keep your attention on the good aspects of the change and the advantages they will bring you. Try not to dwell on previous actions or the outdated practises you are letting go of. Think on the bright future.
4. The most important thing is consistency.

Think about each day. The secret to forming new habits is consistency. One day at a time, pay attention. Attempting to make a significant change or multiple adjustments at once has a lower chance of success than making little, consistent improvements over time.
5. Recognize and honour achievement.

Decide how you will acknowledge and honour your achievements. What will success entail, what major turning points will you reach, and how will you reward yourself? Verify that the awards are consistent with your objectives. For your success that week, a reward doesn’t have to be extravagant; it may be as straightforward as a treat on Friday.
6. Make a habit in 21 days

Be ready to put some time and effort into it. A habit must be formed for at least 21 days; other changes may take much longer. If you want it to be successful, give it 3–4 weeks of your attention and focus. You have to commit.
7. Record it

Put everything in writing and make sure you can see it. Put the written goal, the definition of success, milestones, and prizes in a position where you will see them every day or where your willpower may be put to the test. Writing it down and keeping it in sight every day can have a significant impact.
8. Adapt and establish a routine

You might need to adjust your daily schedule to make room for your new habit. You might have to start from scratch. By altering your routine, you will be more aware of the change and less inclined to revert to your former schedule and habits.
9. Keep your expectations in check.

Expecting to be flawless or error-free is unrealistic. Be realistic about what is ahead and what it will take to establish and maintain the new habit. Allow yourself to make mistakes along the way and resolve to learn from them. Forgive yourself in advance. There is no such thing as failure; you will just discover strategies that are ineffective for you and have the chance to attempt another strategy as a result.
10. Control the risks.

Consider the next 21–31 days and prepare for any days that might be particularly difficult. Look for measures to reduce the likelihood that you will revert to your bad habits on those days. What steps can you take to lessen or eliminate the risk? Plan A and Plan B for how you will handle those days in great detail. Create a plan and get ready to avoid issues!