Air is a combination of several gases such as nitrogen, oxygen, helium, hydrogen, argon, and others. The homogeneity of these gases is maintained by atmospheric motions. Burning garbage and fossil fuels, car emissions, building and demolition, rubbish, landfills, and a variety of other things can all impede air homogeneity. When the amounts of these gases surpass the acceptable limit, the air becomes polluted, which is referred to as air pollution. There are numerous approaches to debate how to reduce air pollution. Every year, millions of people die as a result of air pollution. Many hazardous and deadly contaminants are present in the air we breathe every day. Everyone must take responsibility for reducing air pollution. Let’s discuss the 10 tips to reduce air pollution.
1. Taking public transportation

Using public transportation is a proven way to contribute to less air pollution because it uses less gas and electricity; even carpools help. In addition to reducing the amount of fuel and gas released, taking public transportation can help you save money. Fewer vehicles on the road will result in lower emissions. Taking public transportation will assist you in:
- Lowering overall emissions.
- The number of automobiles on the road has decreased.
- Less frequent instances of traffic congestion.
- It is a cost-effective option.
2. When not in use, switch off the lights.

Because the energy used by lights contributes to air pollution, consuming less electricity can save energy. To aid the environment, use energy-saving fluorescent lighting.
3. Reuse and recycle

The concept of recycling and reuse not only conserves resources and uses them wisely, but it also benefits air quality by lowering pollutant emissions. Recycled products also require less energy to manufacture than new products.
4. Plastic bags are not acceptable.

Plastic items may be hazardous to the environment since they take a long time to degrade due to their oil-based composition. Paper bags are a preferable alternative because they degrade quickly and are recyclable.
5. Reduced smoking and forest fires

The collection of waste and setting it on fire in dry seasons, or dry leaves igniting fires, is a significant contributor to air pollution; also, smoking contributes to air pollution and worsens air quality, as well as obviously harming one’s health.
6. Instead of using an air conditioner, use fans.

The use of air conditioners consumes a lot of energy and produces a lot of heat, which is terrible for the environment. ACs, like fans, require a lot of power and energy to operate.
7. Use filters for chimneys

The gas emitted by fireplaces in households and companies is particularly risky for air pollution and seriously damages air quality. Filters should be employed at the very least if consumption cannot be reduced; this will help to limit the effect of dangerous gases absorbed in the air.
8. Avoid using crackers

Unfortunately, the usage of fireworks at festivals and weddings is one of the primary causes of air pollution, resulting in a layer of haze that is particularly detrimental to health. As a result, the practise of not using crackers should be implemented.
9. Avoid utilising chemical-containing goods.

Products that contain chemicals or have a strong odour, such as paints or fragrances, should be used sparingly or outside the home. There is also the possibility of using products with low chemical content and organic qualities.
10. Afforestation should be implemented.

Finally, plant and grow as many trees as you possibly can. The technique of planting trees has numerous environmental benefits and aids in the release of oxygen.