What is the point of maintaining?

Your property could be your house, your company, or a gathering spot for neighbors. Every day, we use buildings in a variety of ways, therefore it’s only natural that we should take care of them. Your property, like your car or boiler, requires maintenance to stay in good operating order and to ensure future efficient operation.

Here are a few of the benefits of performing proactive maintenance:

Save your money.

According to research, most of us are reactionary when it comes to building fabric maintenance. A more cost-effective approach is proactive maintenance. Maintenance operations should be performed on a regular basis to avoid disrepair and the cost of needless repairs. Regular maintenance inspections can assist you in making future plans and estimating repair costs. As a result, your investment in your house or company property is efficient, and you don’t risk its depreciation due to fabric deterioration.

Keep an eye on the state of your building.

According to studies, a large proportion of Scotland’s buildings are in ruin, with many succumbing to physical disintegration as a result of a lack of basic care. The state of your building’s exterior is becoming increasingly vital in the context of climate change in order to ensure that it can resist harsh weather patterns.

Make sure you’re upholding your responsibility to the public’s safety.

Buildings in a state of decay might pose a major threat to the public. We’ve seen horrible masonry falls and other unsafe building disasters in Stirling and other cities. Regular inspections can detect potentially harmful or weak aspects of your structure before they become a liability to you and a threat to the public.

Make an effort to conserve energy.

It is not energy efficient if the external fabric of your building is in disrepair and allowing water or cold air in. It will be leaking heat as well as your hard-earned money. A dilapidated building is less energy efficient, has higher heating requirements, and so has a higher carbon footprint. Fabric care is critical for keeping your building energy efficient and carbon-neutral. It’s a must-have for energy-saving upgrades and interventions like wall insulation.

Be long-term.

Our built environment is a great resource, and our historic structures are priceless. Maintenance is the pinnacle of long-term sustainability. Repairs are kept to a minimum and existing building fabric is preserved, limiting the use of scarce material resources and energy-producing practices.

Traditional structures are naturally sustainable because they are intrinsically repairable and encourage the use of locally sourced materials and contractors, all of which contribute to lower carbon emissions. Maintaining our building stock takes into account the embodied energy of existing structures while also saving resources and decreasing waste.

Contribute to the future of conventional skill training and employment by volunteering.

According to studies, there is a severe scarcity of people trained in the skills required to maintain and restore our historic structures. This has resulted in certain cases in ineffective repairs, which can hasten disintegration or even lead to defective or dangerous structures. You may help to support conventional repair skills by understanding your property’s upkeep and repair requirements.

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